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SociFunnel LAST CHANCE Promo Email (send Jan 20+21)

Choose a HEADLINE:

URGENT (open now)
LAST Chance (price going UP)
ENDS at midnight
GONE at midnight
Did you miss out?
You missed it...
Sorry...too late


BODY (price going UP):



this is your LAST chance to get in at a discount.

Price goes UP for good Thursday at midnight:


To your success,

P.S. Don't get left out..go now:


SociFunnel LAUNCH Promo Email #1 (send Jan 15 at 10:00am)

Choose a HEADLINE:

URGENT (open now)
SociFunnel (save 40% if you hurry...)
early bird (hurry...)
price freeze (gone in 2 hours)
#1 traffic software
#1 free traffic method
traffic-generating software
viral traffic software
sneaky free traffic method
software legally steals traffic
unlimited free traffic
SociFunnel (sneak peek – do not share)
point-n-click traffic software
Your boss will hate this
New secret software
viral traffic business-in-a-box
a FEW downloads left (read this now)
download your new software tool
software that WORKS
congratulations, you’re IN
easiest traffic you’ll ever get


BODY (early bird price freeze):


be fast...

right now you can SAVE 40% on the #1 traffic software.

It legally steals traffic from the most popular social content...and sends it to YOUR opt-in pages, offer pages, and even affiliate links in minutes.

You gotta' see this:

To your success,

P.S. Remember the huge discount is OVER soon..go now:


SociFunnel LAUNCH Promo Email #2

Choose a HEADLINE:

it's a secret (do not share)
can you keep a secret?
#1 traffic software
#1 free traffic method
traffic-generating software
viral traffic software
sneaky free traffic method
software legally steals traffic
unlimited free traffic
SociFunnel (sneak peek – do not share)
point-n-click traffic software
Your boss will hate this
New secret software
viral traffic business-in-a-box
a FEW downloads left (read this now)
download your new software tool
software that WORKS
congratulations, you’re IN
easiest traffic you’ll ever get


BODY (secrecy):


Can you keep a secret?

I just discovered unique NEW software
that YOU can use to get free traffic online…

In just minutes it legally steals traffic from popular
social content and sends it to YOUR links and pages.

Click here now:

You'll love this,

hurry...the price is going UP


SociFunnel LAUNCH Promo Email #3

Choose a HEADLINE:

traffic-generating machine
100% FREE traffic
#1 traffic software
#1 free traffic method
traffic-generating software
viral traffic software
sneaky free traffic method
software legally steals traffic
unlimited free traffic
SociFunnel (sneak peek – do not share)
point-n-click traffic software
Your boss will hate this
New secret software
viral traffic business-in-a-box
a FEW downloads left (read this now)
download your new software tool
software that WORKS
congratulations, you’re IN
easiest traffic you’ll ever get


BODY (stats angle):


YouTube + Facebook get over 1.1 billion visitors everyday.
That is a TON of traffic.

New software lets you step in FRONT of it...

and send that traffic anywhere you want...
opt-in pages.
offer pages.
affiliate links.
or anywhere else.

so you get 100% FREE traffic in just minutes...

with no tech skills.
and no makreting experience.

This rocks:

You'll love this,

hurry...the price is going UP


SociFunnel LAUNCH Promo Email #4

Choose a HEADLINE:

traffic-generating machine
100% FREE traffic
#1 traffic software
#1 free traffic method
traffic-generating software
viral traffic software
sneaky free traffic method
software legally steals traffic
unlimited free traffic
SociFunnel (sneak peek – do not share)
point-n-click traffic software
Your boss will hate this
New secret software
viral traffic business-in-a-box
a FEW downloads left (read this now)
download your new software tool
software that WORKS
congratulations, you’re IN
easiest traffic you’ll ever get


BODY (demo angle):


check out this video:

it's a demo of new software that legally
steals traffic from popular social content...

and sends it wherever YOU want...
opt-in pages, offer pages, affiliate links, or wherever.


You'll love this,


fade-leftfade-rightFacebook + Twitter Promos

SociFunnel Facebook + Twitter Promo #1

#1 traffic software {LINK}

SociFunnel Facebook + Twitter Promo #2

traffic-generating machine {LINK}

SociFunnel Facebook + Twitter Promo #3

100% FREE traffic {LINK}

SociFunnel Facebook + Twitter Promo #4

#1 free traffic method {LINK}

SociFunnel Facebook + Twitter Promo #5

sneaky free traffic method {LINK}

SociFunnel Facebook + Twitter Promo #6

software legally steals traffic {LINK}

SociFunnel Facebook + Twitter Promo #7

point-n-click traffic software {LINK}

SociFunnel Facebook + Twitter Promo #8

Your boss will hate this {LINK}

SociFunnel Facebook + Twitter Promo #9

New secret software {LINK}

fade-leftfade-rightGraphics and Banners

Ecover 250px

<a href="{LINK}"><img src="https://socifunnel.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/box-socifunnel250.png"></a>

Bundle 350px

<a href="{LINK}"><img src="https://socifunnel.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/boxes-socifunnel350.png"></a>